Welcome to Winter Study WOC! Check out all the great events going on this
week below, and be sure to take advantage of your free time this month to
get outside!

    *OUTING CLUB EVENTS 1/10 – 1/16*

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-The *equipment room* is open *12-2PM from Monday-Friday and 10AM-12PM on
Saturdays. *Come by Paresky basement to check out free gear with your WOC
membership card!

-*Design a button for this year's Winter Carnival* (Feb17th-19th)! The
design will be printed on a purple and white 2" diameter buttons that will
distributed to the entire campus. Your design must include the text: *Williams
College Winter Carnival 2011**,* and this year's theme, *MediEPHal Times*,*
*but the rest is up to you! The winner will be awarded a gift certificate to
Tunnel City and campus-wide fame and glory. Drop off your design in the
envelope outside the WOC office by next* Thursday 1/13 at noon*, and be sure
to include your name and unix. Email sm8 with any questions.

-Feeling spontaneous? *Subscribe to WOC’s Sudden WOC Listserve* to discover
and coordinate spontaneously with people who share your interests in hiking,
skiing, biking, running and other forms of outdoor recreation. Email
[log in to unmask] with the body message  “sudden-woc-l and your
name” to subscribe.* *


-*Open climbing* at the Nate Lowe wall in the Field House! 6:30-9:30pm


-*Kayak rolling!* Come learn to roll a kayak in the college pool, no
experience necessary! 7PM - 8:30PM. Email mbg1 if you’re interested.

*-Polar Bear Swim*; join us for a refreshing dip in the Green River.  Meet
on Paresky steps at 9 PM, and don’t forget to bring warm clothes, a
flashlight, and a towel. Email Abby at atm1 with questions.

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-*Snowshoe in Hopkins Forest!* Meet in Equipment room at 1:30PM. Email few1
or sjd1 for more information.

*-Open climbing* at the Nate Lowe wall in the Field House! 10AM-Noon and

-*Come to Paresky Room 222 at 7:30PM to** hear Tad Ames* talk about the
Berkshire Natural Resource Council and a new project they would like some
volunteer help with involving developing new hiking trails in the Berkshires
and doing adventure outreach with the greater community.

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*-Sunrise Hike* up Pine Cobble!  Meet at Chapin Steps at 6AM, we will return
to campus by 8:45AM.

-*Open climbing* at the Nate Lowe wall in the Field House! 10AM-Noon

* *


-*Cross Country Ski at Prospect Park!* Meet in the Equipment Room at
10:30AM, we’ll get back to campus around 2PM. Email Gordon at gsb1 for more


-*Epic Greylock Sled Assault! *Snowshoe up Massachusetts’s tallest mountain
and sled all the way down! Email atm1 to sign up.

-*Open climbing* at the Nate Lowe wall in the Field House! 7PM-10PM

To remove yourself from this list send an email to [log in to unmask] with the message body "signoff outing-news-l" or go to http://listserv.williams.edu and follow the instructions there. Note that if you are subscribed with your [log in to unmask] style e-mail address, you may need to get a password for this address as well.